Vacuum forces between nanoparticles
07 May 2024
07 May 2024
In this work, we apply the tools of macroscopic quantum electrodynamics to calculate the interaction between two optically levitated nanoparticles. We recover the optical binding forces, as well as the Casimir-Polder interaction. Furthermore, we investigate how a squeezed vacuum state of light can also result in optical interactions between two nanoparticles.
Publication in Phys. Rev. A:
"Fluctuation-induced Forces on Nanospheres in External Fields"
"Fluctuation-induced Forces on Nanospheres in External Fields"
Clemens Jakubec, Pablo Solano, Uroš Delić, Kanu Sinha
Phys. Rev. A 109, 052807 (2024), arXiv: 2311.10496