We're moving to TU Wien!
1 February 2025
The group is starting afresh across town in the Atominstitut of TU Wien. Our brand new lab is entirely furbished and ready to see a build-up of new experiments! Stay tuned and reach out if you're interested in a visit.
START Award for Uroš Delić
20 June 2024
Uroš Delić received one of the prestigious START Awards from the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). This will allow the group to build experiments that explore nonreciprocal interactions between optically levitated nanoparticles in the quantum regime. Our research will be hosted by TU Wien. You can read more about the research questions which we will explore here (in German).
Dr. Murad Abuzarli receives MSCA postdoctoral fellowship
01 April 2023
Dr. Murad Abuzarli has received the Marie Skłodowska-Curie (MSCA) Postdoctoral fellowship to join our team working on his project "Non-equilibrium optically levitated interacting nanoparticle arrays" (NEOVITA). Given a high score on his application, he will receive additional funding for a third year of his postdoctoral stay from the University of Vienna. Congratulations!
New Master in the group!
08 July 2022
Congratulations to Livia Egyed, MSc. for her amazing Master thesis defense on "Light-induced dipole-dipole interactions between optically levitated nanoparticles"! Livia will continue with her PhD thesis in the group starting in October.