Ultrastrong linear optomechanical interaction

Our study on the linear ultrastrong optomechanical coupling of an optically trapped nanoparticle to an optical cavity is now published in Phys. Rev. Research! In this work, we measure coupling rates of up to 55% of the bare mechanical frequency. Our system exploits the coherent coupling scheme by the transverse drive through the particle, which yields a genuinely linear interaction Hamiltonian. In such a system, as one of the eigenmodes experiences an inverted harmonic potential, the system can reach instability if the coupling rate exceeds 50% of the mechanical frequency. This effect could create squeezed states of mechanical motion (see this work for more details).

Publication in Phys. Rev. Research: 

"Ultrastrong linear optomechanical interaction"

Kahan Dare, Jannek J. Hansen, Iurie Coroli, Aisling Johnson, Markus Aspelmeyer, Uroš Delić

Phys. Rev. Research 6, L042025 (2024),  arXiv: 2305.16226 (2023)