Dr. Murad Abuzarli
Dr. Murad Abuzarli
Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellow
Originally from Azerbaijan, Murad Abuzarli completed his higher education in France: he studied physics and chemistry at the Sorbonne University (SU) before enrolling the highly selective engineering degree at ESPCI Paris and then specializing in light-matter interaction and quantum optics during the joint master’s degree between ESPCI Paris and Institut d’Optique Graduate school. He obtained the doctoral degree under the supervision of Dr. Quentin Glorieux from the “Laboratoire Kastler-Brossel” at the SU, where he explored the nonequilibrium phenomena in quantum fluids of light, experimentally produced via near-resonant laser propagation in hot Rubidium vapor cells. After the PhD degree, Murad joined the group of Prof. Markus Aspelmeyer at the University of Vienna in Austria, where he studied within a project supervised by Dr Uroš Delić, the collective optomechanics of the laser-trapped dielectric nanoparticles, which are coupled with light-induced dipole-dipole interactions.
M. Reisenbauer, H. Rudolph, L. Egyed, K. Hornberger, A. V. Zasedatelev, M. Abuzarli, B. A. Stickler, U. Delić
Non-Hermitian dynamics and nonreciprocity of optically coupled nanoparticles
Nature Physics 20, 1629 (2024)