Welcome to the Delić lab!
We are an experimental quantum physics group at the Atominstitut of TU Wien, and part of the Wolfgang Pauli Institute (WPI).
Our research focuses on exploring cooperative optomechanical quantum effects in ensembles of nonreciprocally interacting optically trapped silica nanoparticles. We aim to explore the limits of nonreciprocal interactions in the quantum regime and how we can generate genuine quantum states of collective motion of many nanoparticles. Leveraging our expertise and demonstrated proof-of-principle concepts, our vision is to exhibit the versatility, tunability, and scalability of our platform and apply it to quantum sensing and metrology.
We would like to hear from you if you are interested in joining us at any level, from undergraduate to Postdoc. You can read more about how to contact us here.
Our efforts are supported by the START Award of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW), John Templeton Foundation, and TU Wien.
We're moving to TU Wien!
1 February 2025
The group is starting afresh across town in the Atominstitut of TU Wien. Our brand new lab is entirely furbished and ready to see a build-up of new experiments! Stay tuned and reach out if you're interested in a visit.
START Award for Uroš Delić
20 June 2024
Uroš Delić received one of the prestigious START Awards from the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). This will allow the group to build experiments that explore nonreciprocal interactions between optically levitated nanoparticles in the quantum regime. Our research will be hosted by TU Wien. You can read more about the research questions which we will explore here (in German).
© Luiza Puiu
Dr. Murad Abuzarli receives MSCA postdoctoral fellowship
01 April 2023
Dr. Murad Abuzarli has received the Marie Skłodowska-Curie (MSCA) Postdoctoral fellowship to join our team working on his project "Non-equilibrium optically levitated interacting nanoparticle arrays" (NEOVITA). Given a high score on his application, he will receive additional funding for a third year of his postdoctoral stay from the University of Vienna. Congratulations!
Ultrastrong linear optomechanical interaction
Kahan Dare, Jannek J. Hansen, Iurie Coroli, Aisling Johnson, Markus Aspelmeyer, Uroš Delić
Phys. Rev. Research 6, L042025 (2024), arXiv: 2305.16226 (2023)
Our study on the linear ultrastrong optomechanical coupling of an optically trapped nanoparticle to an optical cavity is now published in Phys. Rev. Research! In this work, we measure coupling rates of up to 55% of the bare mechanical frequency. Our system exploits the coherent coupling scheme by the transverse drive through the particle, which yields a genuinely linear interaction Hamiltonian. In such a system, as one of the eigenmodes experiences an inverted harmonic potential, the system can reach instability if the coupling rate exceeds 50% of the mechanical frequency. This effect could create squeezed states of mechanical motion (see this work for more details).
Non-Hermitian dynamics and non-reciprocity of optically coupled nanoparticles
Manuel Reisenbauer, Henning Rudolph, Livia Egyed, Klaus Hornberger, Anton V. Zasedatelev, Murad Abuzarli, Benjamin A. Stickler, Uroš Delić
Nature Physics 20, 1629 (2024), arXiv: 2310.02610
Our work on non-Hermitian dynamics of nonreciprocally and nonlinearly coupled optically levitated nanoparticles has just been published in Nature Physics. In this work, we observe PT symmetry breaking by reconstructing the eigenmodes with non-degenerate damping rates. For a larger coupling rate, the system exhibits a collective transition into a mechanical lasing state, where both particles become nonlinear oscillators. Larger arrays of particles will allow us to study nonreciprocal phase transitions or explore novel sensing strategies. Read more about it in our press release or the Nature News & Views article by our colleague Jayadev Vijayan.
Fluctuation-induced Forces on Nanospheres in External Fields
Clemens Jakubec, Pablo Solano, Uroš Delić, Kanu Sinha
Phys. Rev. A 109, 052807 (2024), arXiv: 2311.10496
In this work, we apply the tools of macroscopic quantum electrodynamics to calculate the interaction between two optically levitated nanoparticles. We recover the optical binding forces, as well as the Casimir-Polder interaction. Furthermore, we investigate how a squeezed vacuum state of light can also result in optical interactions between two nanoparticles.
Dry launching of silica nanoparticles in vacuum
Ayub Khodaee, Kahan Dare, Aisling Johnson, Uroš Delić, Markus Aspelmeyer
AIP Advances 12, 125023 (2022)
Our work on "Dry launching of silica nanoparticles in vacuum" has been published in AIP Advances! In this work, we show that we can shake off glass nanoparticles as small as 43 nm in radius (we didn't have smaller particles available!) from PTFE microscope slides. Read more.
Group photo, 2023
From left to right: Uroš Delić, Murad Abuzarli, Clemens Jakubec, Manuel Reisenbauer, Livia Egyed, Iurie Coroli
Thanks to our funders: